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“Dale Boyer’s debut novel dives deep into the eternal questions: Who am I? What is love? What is friendship? The Dandelion Cloud is a joy to read. The beautiful prose often lifts off the page, much like the dandelion seeds Boyer describes to great effect. Words take life in this book. Tenderness lives in these pages.”
Michael Kiesow Moore, author of What to Pray For.
“In The Dandelion Cloud, Dale Boyer takes us to another time, a reality both distant and near, and in doing so, allows us to consider not just one man’s journey but also the journey we, as a society, have made. The Dandelion Cloud is more than a coming-out novel; it’s a testament to the courage that can arise from confusion, to the paths that sometimes wait, masked by our darkest nights. Told in precise, lyrical language and embedded with imagery destined to linger, The Dandelion Cloud is a story of transcendence, honesty, and bravery.” Curtis Smith, author of Beasts and Men and Communion.
The Dandelion Cloud
The Dandelion Cloud
“Tarantella tells the life-affirming story of one man’s struggle to emerge from generations of family dysfunction and find his way to self-acceptance. This skillfully crafted novel keeps circling between the heat of Florida and the cold of Chicago and between childhood and adulthood, as Anthony circles closer and closer to healing until he can open his heart, at last, to a chance for love. Tarantella is a thoroughly engaging and deeply satisfying read.”
--Rachel Hyde,
author of More Than We Know
“Scot O’Hara’s Tarantella is a richly textured novel that explore the lives of its characters with psychological nuance. The image that runs through the novel is the Tarantella, a Sicilian dance based on the Italian legend of dancing the poison out of a tarantula spider bite. The characters in this novel dance in great spirals, trying to understand what the meaning of this dance is, and if connection will ever be possible. From beginning to end, this is a dance that the reader is happy to share.”
--Michael Kiesow Moore,
author of What to Pray For
THORNTON STORIES...the upcoming novel by Dale Boyer

Anthony is struggling to understand his family and its relevance to his life. Pop is a hard-edged and hard-talking man. Ma smokes and cusses and supports Pop. Paddy is more like a ghost than a brother. Rosalia is a sometimes supportive and sometimes angry sister. His relationship with his lover, Steven, is falling apart. Only Douglas Mira offers unconditional love—along with some grandmotherly advice.
According to Italian legend, once bitten by a tarantula, you begin dancing slowly, at first; then, faster and faster. Either you sweat the poison from your system, or you die.
Tarantella follows Anthony as his dance unfolds: circling back and forth through his childhood in New York, to his teen years in seemingly idyllic Merritt Island, Florida, to adulthood in Chicago. Anthony dances through the relationships and loves in his life that lead him closer to healing and understanding. Can he complete his tarantella and discover his own truth to break the generations of family dysfunction? Or, will the poisonous relationships in his life destroy him?

What is the difference between friendship and love? How does one know when it has shaded over like a dandelion from the sunny, yellow, early stages, into the “cloud” of love? Similarly, once one has decided that it is, in fact, love, how does one open up the door to that love, especially if it has been deemed somehow forbidden?

David Berman is Nazi war crimes prosecutor for the Justice Department. He and his friend, Chris Gordon, with whom he shares a possibly compromising secret from the past, become involved together in the case of Benjamin Petrovich, a Latvian émigré who may or may not be the same person as a notorious former concentration camp guard. Complicating the case is the fact that Benjamin is Jewish. How could this be the same person? And, in their tussle over determining the proper fate of this man, might the secret buried in David and Chris’s past come out and destroy their own lives as well?
No Justice! was written by Judith C. Handschuh, who passed away tragically in 2014 from complications followng minor surgery. A mother of two and grandmother of four, Judy worked more than thirty years for Chicago-area law firms. No Justice! was complete at the time of her death, enabling this posthumous publication of Judy’s thrilling first novel.

Professional Press Company

OhBoy Books is a publishing imprint located in Chicago. Our mission is to publish the work of overlooked authors with distinctive voices. We are experienced at getting work published, and will share our knowledge and experience with writers who reflect the wide array of human experience.
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